Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lots of Ends to Weave

It's been a while since I updated. Didn't realize it was quite so long. Been very busy with work, crafting, cleaning, visiting my new baby nephew.

I finished 3 more squares for the comfortghan. Found the pattern in a crochet block book at Barnes & Noble a week or so ago.


A baby blanket from the $1 store I added an edging to. one round of sc, then rhdc. I didn't think it needed anything frilly b/c of the color contrast and the cute little giraffe.


Two more blankets ready for edges, then I'll have to go shopping for more.

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One that I finished last month.


My Valentine's Items: Knit hearts, Crocheted hearts, Heart doily.

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Pink & Green Baby Ripple, finally finished last month.



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